Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Funday

Yay! My first Sunday Funday post. It's always a fun time reading other bloggers' Sunday Funday posts so why not join in? So let the weekend re-cap begin! 

Just one of the many photos from Friday with my bests.
Friday was an awesome day. I'm currently getting ready to go away to school next week and the nerves are definitely kicking in full gear. I'm totally excited to start this new chapter in my life, but it's starting to hit me that a lot of things are about to change. I mean, I'm not going too far away which is a plus and I'll actually be living closer to the majority of my family so I'm loving that! BUT it's always scary leaving home for the first time. Anyway, my friends threw me a little going away gathering on Friday night as a last hoo-rah before I leave. We just hung out, ordered pizza, they got me a cake (chocolate, because duh) and took loads and loads of pictures, of course. It was the perfect night and I'm so grateful for the friends I have. I'm definitely going to miss them when I leave.

Yesterday I spent time with my family for my little cousin's 15th birthday. I probably shouldn't say "little" cousin anymore but, hey. I'm an extremely family-oriented kinda gal, so I'm always happy to be with my famjam. It's a great time when all of us are together, so much love and lots of laughs. A lot. 

Today's been a pretty chill day, hangin' at home trying to get things in order for my big move. I haven't started packing yet and I still have to finish dorm shopping..... oops? I'm currently ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the Golden Globes E! Red Carpet. Guys, I'm such a sucker for award shows, ESPECIALLY the fashion. Seeing what all the celebrities are wearing is literally my favorite part of the entire thing. I have no doubt that the Globes will be entertaining this year with Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler hosting, such a dynamic duo. Hmm... I'm seeing a little Golden Globes fashion favorites as a future blog post. Looking forward to seeing who wins what tonight. 

I just realized that in my last post I said I'd do a makeup routine post as well, so definitely watch out for that this week. Make sure to follow me at and send me some links! Always looking for new bloggers to share my daily shenanigans with.

So that's it for my Sunday Funday, hope you all had a great weekend and I'll be back tomorrow to talk fashion: Award Show style. :) xo 

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