Friday, January 16, 2015

Liebster Award!

It's Friday! TGIF, ya know what I'm sayin'. 

Hey guys! So, I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by one of my favorite bloggers, Literally Liz! Check out her blog if you haven't yet. This is really awesome, and thank you so much again for the nomination! If you guys aren't so sure about what a Liebster Award is, it's an award given to new bloggers by other new bloggers to promote each others' blogs. Here are the set of rules that were given to me by Liz!

  • Link the person who nominated you
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs
My 11 Liebster Award Nominations:

My questions from Liz:

1. What made you start blogging? Well, I'm going to school to become a journalist and I've always had a passion for writing. Blogging's been in the back of my mind for the longest time as something I wanted to start doing. I mean, why not share your passion with others who share the same interests? I had a blog before this about a year ago that didn't go anywhere, so I stopped. I started this blog about two weeks ago and it's been a ton of fun. Liz actually motivated me to start back up again after a nice little twitter convo about how much I loved her blog! So big shout out to Literally Liz! :) 

2. What's a skill you don't have, but you really wish you did? Hmm... In all honesty, I wish I had sewing skills. Lol! One of my aunts knows how to sew and she's made the prettiest blankets, scarves, etc. She's made me the most adorable beanie that's practically glued to my head every winter. I don't know, I just feel like it would be interesting to learn and make your own clothes or something.

3. What's your favorite quality about yourself? (Either look-wise or personality wise) I'm very honest, which is a quality I take pride in. I don't like sugarcoating things, if I'm upset about something I'll tell you straight up. I've dealt with too many people in my life who were insincere and who lied left and right. I can't deal with that. 

4. What is your favorite makeup brand? I love Maybelline. Judging from my "Beauty Favorites" post last night, the majority of my makeup products are Maybelline. I didn't notice that until I wrote about it. Haha! I'm really starting to get into Nyx, too!

5. What song are you embarrassed to have on your playlist? Oh boy... I just looked through my iPod and literally found "Dance Me If You Can" by The Cheetah Girls. Oh my god. Why. Reminder to self: update music. 

6. Have you stuck with your New Years' Resolutions so far? I didn't make any real specific resolutions this year... I guess one would be to keep up-to-date with my blog, which is something I failed to do with my last one. So I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far! :)

7. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and how long have you had them? Indeed I do! I have the 2 sweetest doggies in the entire world and I'm obsessed with them. One is a Jack Russell Pug named Wrinkles. I've had him for 10 years. My other doggie is a Chihuahua named Oliver! He's a baby, only 1 1/2 years old and I've had him since Sept. 2013. 

8. What is your favorite show to binge-watch on Netflix? Unfortunately, I don't have Netflix! *insert thumbs down emoji here* BUT I binge-watch Parenthood like it's nobody's business. I am DREADING the series finale in two weeks. There will be no tissues left in the world because of the amount of tears I'm going to shed. I wish I was kidding. #TeamBraverman

9. What is one thing people who know you would be surprised to find out about you? This is a toughie. I don't think I have any hidden characteristics my family and friends don't already know about me. 

10. Mac or PC? I just recently became Team Mac. I don't know what took me so long, but I'm loving it. 

11. What is your favorite place you've ever been on vacation? I think the Bahamas when I went on the Disney cruise with my aunt and cousins. Puerto Rico was beautiful as well. Ugh, I want to travel more. There are so many places I want to go. Cough, Cough, Ireland.

My questions for the nominees:

1. What is your favorite thing to blog about?
2. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?
3. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
4. What's your favorite television show?
5. What is your chosen career path in life?
6. Who is your favorite clothing designer?
7. Sephora or Ulta?
8. What is your makeup obsession?
9. What three characteristics do you look for most in a significant other?
10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
11. Favorite eye shadow palette? 

That concludes my Liebster Award post! Hope you all enjoyed learning a little more about me and I can't wait to read everyone's answers to my questions. Have a fabulous weekend blogger world. xo


  1. Sewing is such a cool thing to be able to do! Cool thing about it - you can learn how. I probably would have picked something impossible, like turning back time ;)

    Corinne x

  2. I loved reading your answers! And I'm so glad I could inspire you to get into blogging again. It's seriously one of my favorite hobbies these days - it's great to be able to interact with bloggers all over the world. Keep writing, you're great!


    1. That means a lot, thank you so much!! And I totally agree about blogging- it's such a great escape. I wonder why I ever stopped in the first place. xo
